Revision of Loch Creran from Thu, 2015-10-29 11:58

Atlantic Ocean
United Kingdom
Loch Creran is a sea loch in Argyll, on the west coast of Scotland.It is about 10 kilometres (6.2 miles) long from its head at Invercreran to its mouth on the Lynn of Lorne, part of Loch Linnhe. The loch separates the areas of Benderloch to the south and Appin to the north. The island of Eriska lies at the mouth of the loch. The loch is bridged at its narrowest point at Creagan.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith